Class Delivery: Cantonese supplemented with English; Teaching materials: English
(Only English version is available)
The programme aims to provide aviation related STEM training to secondary school students with fundamental aviation English and from there on be able to understand general aviation terms used in manuals along with aviation knowledge and flight simulation training.
Programme Outline
Ground Operations and Aviation English
Lesson 1: Understand the Basics of Aircraft *
Lesson 2: Understand Maintenance Processes I *
Lesson 3: Understand Maintenance Processes II *
Lesson 4: Basics of Ground Operations I *
Lesson 5: Basics of Ground Operations II *
Lesson 6: Aviation English I
Lesson 7: Aviation English II with *
Lesson 8: Recap, Review and Examination
*With 90-minute Flight Simulation Training
Programme Intended Learning Outcomes
On completion of the programme, students should be able to:
Read and understand written instructions in general aviation English.
Understand basic aviation terms and vocabulary used in aviation publications and documentation for ground operations and related aviation engineering work.
Describe the scope of work in aviation ground operations.
Admission Requirements
Form 1 or above; and
Obtain a passing grade in the English subject in school.
Graduation Requirements
A certificate will be awarded to students who have completed the following requirements:
Attain a minimum attendance rate of 75% (total 8 lessons, 12.5% per each lesson);
Obtain a minimum mark of 60% (pass grade) in the examination; and