TechEd School Scheme
Membership fee for each school: HK$15,000 per year


Nurturing Homegrown Technology Talent

Hong Kong Productivity Council ( Inno Space is committed to be the TechEd STEAM Hub in Hong Kong through
building a community of STEAM educators, schools, universities, startups and makers The TechEd School Scheme is a
comprehensive solution package for local primary and secondary schools with TechEd STEAM education, industry exposure
of cutting edge technologies, design and prototype workshops, as well as advisory and support to schools


Student TechEd Workshop/ Train the trainer STEAM Workshop *

  • 3D Drawing Workshop 
  • Laser Cutting Workshop
  • Scratch Coding Workshop for Beginner
  • micro:bit Coding Workshop for Beginner 
  • AI & Robotics Workshop 
  • TechEd Competitions/Study Missions/Company visits, etc.**
  • Machine Training by Technicians* 
  • Free access to Inno Space and Inno Prototype 
  • Makers/ Prototype Workshops*
  • TechTour & Innovations at HKPC*
  • TechEd Game at HKPC* 
    (an interactive treasure hunt game to learn different technology) 
  • Real case sharing/ demonstration by Tech Experts*
  • STEAM education support service** 
  • Advisory on STEAM Day** 
  • STEAM Lab setup advisory** 
  • EdTech Solutions TechEd curriculum** 
  • Green Smart Campus facilities**

*Prior booking is REQUIRED, subject to availability and feasibility
**Additional service fee applies and is subject to separate quotations
^ Application for top-up rate will be verified by HKPC

Please study the following reminders before submitting the application form:
• Membership and services cannot be transferred.
• Inno Space reserves the right to vary the offer of our services.
• All fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable to other services.
• Users should follow the regulations of Inno Space
• Inno Space reserves the right to amend or change any terms and conditions.
• In case of disputes, Inno Space reserves the rights of final decision.