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Nurturing Future Creative Talents
Providing TechEd STEAM services to schools
Nurturing Future Creative Talents
Building a Friendly Atmosphere for Innovation
We Nurture Homegrown Technology Talent
What’s On
stress-free Positive psychology Teacher Gratitude
抗逆力Level Up | 正向壓力管理教師工作坊
(Only Chinese version is available) 不少教師除教學工作更要兼任行政事務,工作量大、長期過勞會對生活產生很多不良影響。面對種種壓力,教師們如何可以在工作和生活上取得平衡?三小時工作坊旨在教導教師正向心理學的基本原理,提升他們的心理健康,以正面積極的心態迎接職場、生活上的高山低谷。除了理論之外,工作坊還包括快速壓力檢測系統,以幫助教師評估他們當前的壓力水平,確定需要改進的領域並制定個人化的壓力管理策略。
New Quality Productive Forces STEAM Design Thinking
(Only Chinese version is available) 創新科技、人工智能(AI)、新質生產力、創意思維是未來技能大趨勢。創科體驗營由專家帶領,透過互動遊戲和實地體驗,讓學生認識不同生活範疇的創新科技,啓發創科潛能。
AIGC VR Metaverse
創動AIGC + VR 元宇宙親子課程
(Only Traditional Chinese version is available)本課程結合了AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content)和VR技術的學習應用,課程特色包括創意啟發和強化學生跨學科整合及應用能力,以及利用AIGC和VR技術激發學生的學習興趣。 結合線上與線下活動,創造互動豐富的學習環境,讓學生身臨其境地感受創新科技的魅力。
SummerWorkshop Familyactivities BubbleBathBall 13 Aug 2024
Bath Bomb親子DIY工作坊
(Only Traditional Chinese version is available)教小朋友將天然香薰精油融入科學與藝術之中,親手創造獨一無二的香薰泡泡浴球 (Bath Bomb)!每位小朋友可製作約6-7粒立體氣泡浴球 + 泡泡Cup cake兩個!回家可以享受香薰泡泡浴,或送予家人朋友作爲最溫馨的禮物!
Our Service
Inno Space provides a hub for students, educators, and parents from primary schools, secondary schools, and universities to engage in TechED STEAM and drive innovations. We offer them the linkage to real business cases, career guidance, and entrepreneurship concepts to facilitate the development of homegrown technology talent.
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Our Service
Inno Network

An event space for workshops, seminars and networking.

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Inno Idea

Where member can hold meetings, design products and develop apps.

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Inno Prototype

The maker area for creating prototypes.

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Our Partners
We're bridging 200+ partners to foster TechEd STEAM Education
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TechEd Partners
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What our participants say about us
STEAM Bootcamp
Student participant
I joined the TechEd STEAM Bootcamp in Apr and learnt a lot about AR technology in Smart City. Also, the maker workshop inspires me on the using prototype creation in future Smart City or even Smart Campus development.
Maker Workshop
Inno Space Member
In this Maker Workshop, I can create my own product while have the chance to learn laser cut and 3D printing.
Youth Aerospace TechEd Programme
Secondary Student
I broaden my horizons by learning Flight Simulation, Space Science knowledge, AR/VR, 3D Printing and Cube Satellites prototyping. The aerospace study tour also aroused my interest in developing my career in aerospace field.
QF Promotion in Schools
Secondary Student
In addition to communicating with industry representatives and experiencing the work and development opportunities in different positions in the industry, this activity also gave me a better understanding of the qualifications framework and career paths.
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